Thursday, May 15, 2008

Avian Butterflies

One of my favorite May activities is looking for spring migrant birds. At this time of year trees look like they've been taken from an Impressionist Painting with their yellowish green or reddish leaves. These leaves are just beginning to grow which allows some sky to show in between them and makes it fairly easy to view the birds. It's in the early weeks of May when some of the best sightings of warblers, vireos, orioles and tanagers are seen in this part of the country. I call these birds North America's Avian Butterflies because of their colorful feathers and at least for the Warblers diminuative size.
Today I traveled the Lyme Loop with Connecticut Audubon Ecotravel group and saw many of these lovely birds. Highlights included seeing the oven bird, blue winged warbler, cerulean warbler, worm eating warbler, Northern Oriel and Scarlet Tanager. Although they're permenent residents here and one of our larger birds, another highlight was having a great look at a Piliated Woodpecker flying. Walking in the woods their interupted periodically by the white blooms of the dogwoods, with stone fences of former farms scattered about within them, spending time with fellow birdwatchers and learning new ways to identify the different species made for a happy day.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Today's weather continued to be temperate and more seasonal. It's wonderful to see things growing again and so many things in bloom. Love all of the colors, textures and scents of the flowers.
Yesterday, visited the gardens of Blithewood Manor in Bristol RI. So much to take in. In addition to some well tended and beautifully planned gardens, the estate has a fine arboretum of rare trees including a Giant Sequoia. After touring the gardens, explored some of Bristol which has some fine houses. Definitely worth exploring further.